MATHS IN HISTORY-Lesson plan 2

Bolyai János Király E&VBolyai-Farkas-bemutatása-olvasni Veres Petikeboti_hajosRubik Ernő -Csizmarik LauraRiesz Frigyes Kőrösi RebekaNeumann János–Juhász BálintNeumann János-Bekő ÁkosErdős Pál–Kormos Bence

We held a Maths lesson on famous Hungarian mathematicians on 24th January. Students gave some presentations about these people’s lives and work. There were 11 groups of 3. After the presentations they took part in a competition, they had questions about what they had heard. The first three groups got valuable tools used in Maths lessons.

Here are some powerpoint presentations made by Hungarian students for the lesson:

Hell-miksa-és-a-matematika–Fejes Virág Kalmár-László–Valkó Viola Kőnig Gyula-Kovács Jázmin